Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Training for your Leadership Teams and Governors.

Our experienced consultants will work in partnership with you to support the embedding of gender, gender identity and sexual orientation throughout your nursery, primary, secondary school or college.

The bespoke training course is applicable to schools and colleges in all sectors.

Our Leadership and Governor training is specifically designed to onboard all stakeholders effectively and safely.

You can access the training as a stand-alone course or for maximum benefit you can run in conjunction with the PRIDE in Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Award leading to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Award for your school.

Over the 12-month programme you will receive a series of collaborative webinars on how to embed your EDI objectives successfully and effectively with maximum impact.

Session 1
Policy, Website, Systems and Language:

  • Begin your journey by working with an Educate & Celebrate consultant to review and update key policies and documents in line with the latest legislation and guidance.
  • Take an overview of the wider school systems, ensuring that EDI flows from policy into all aspects of school life for consistency and community cohesion.


  • Updated and ratified policies
  • An effective behaviour policy with transparent monitoring and reporting systems
  • Transparency of all policies for staff and pupils
  • Updated website
  • Consistency of application forms and all related data collection
  • An agreed language and approach

Session 2
Working with stakeholders
(staff, governors, pupils, the wider community)

  • Changing language and culture within your organisation requires all parts of the community to be on board.
  • Your Educate & Celebrate consultant will support you to develop a programme of CPD for all staff, to engage pupils in the change process and to build effective communication with families and the wider school community.


  • CPD programme in place in response to whole staff needs
  • Fully informed and confident staff, SLT and Governors
  • Pupils feel well supported and involved as activists for change
  • An informed community, partnering with the school to raise awareness

Session 3
Curriculum Focus

  • Further embed your whole school approach by looking again at your curriculum offer from an EDI perspective.
  • Inspire colleagues to continue your agreed approach by developing inclusive lessons at each key stage.


  • A reviewed curriculum where EDI is embedded throughout
  • Confident practice and provision from classroom staff across key stages
  • Calendared assembly themes
  • Clear outline of activities within the year
  • Provision is in place upon request for mentoring pupils who are out or who are questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation

Data from initial and exit surveys from EDI Leadership Team Training in May 2022 showed :

- 100% increase in confidence to embed sexual orientation and gender identity into their
school systems and frameworks.
- 100% of attendees were more than satisified with the webinar.
- 100% of attendees will be embedding the strategies they learnt into their school.

Register here

Leadership Teams & Governers EDI Training

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EDI traiing for leadership teams and governers for all schools worldwide

Delivered online over 12 months.

When you book in conjunction with the PRIDE in Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Award

Our school cohorts start in January and September.
You can register at any time to reserve your place for the next cohort.

Please complete the form at the bottom of the page.

PRIDE in EDI Award
Best Practice Schools

Our Panellists are all experienced educationalists who lead The PRIDE in EDI Award programme in their own schools.

'I really think this is a hugely valuable set of complex and far reaching issues for our schools to make serious time to think further on how we best'

ABC Pride Book

'I found the session well-balanced, informative and a bit frightening in terms of realising what I did not know!'

'I have so much admiration for the important work that you do, and only wish it had been around when I was at school - but I am very happy that today's young people will hopefully be having more positive experiences as a result.'

'Very up beat and inspirational - definitely an achievement to keep everyone on board on a Thursday night! Time went so quickly which means we were having fun and learning!'

'I love that this challenged leadership to consider how this impacts staff and pupils e.g. dress codes/ how teachers are referred to/ separating kids by gender for sports. I am also pleased that others are being challenged as some practises have frustrated me e.g. 'boys vs girls' games. '